America the Dream, America the Reality

Ever wondered why a powerful and rich country claiming high moral ground resorts to blatant lies? And when its lies are exposed, it resorts to verbal acrobatics and trickery (see below). Is it not puzzling how a country such as this is projected as the image of the future for other nations?


US bureaucrats erase American 'hunger'

November 21, 2006

The US government has tweaked its terminology in referring to the nearly 11 million Americans who face a constant struggle with hunger to refer to them as people with "very low food security".

According to a report released this month by the US Department of Agriculture, roughly 35 million Americans had difficulty feeding themselves in 2005 and of those some 10.8 million went hungry.

But unlike last year's report on hunger in America, which labelled families who don't get enough to eat as having "food insecurity with hunger", this year's report referred to them as having "very low food security".

The change in terminology has angered groups that fight hunger who say it is aimed at hiding a stark reality.

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