Smile and the World Smiles with You
About Smile:
* A smile is a universal expression of happiness and recognised as such by all cultures.
* A smile is the most frequently used facial expression It takes as few as five pairs of facial muscles and as many as all 53 to smile.
* Regardless of the precise number of muscles used, smiling causes far fewer muscles to contract and expand than frowning.
* Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better.
* Even faking a smile can lead to feeling happier.
* People are born with the ability to smile (They dont copy the expression, even babies who are born blind, smile).
* Babies reserve special smiles (Duchenne smiles of joy and happiness) for their loved ones.
* A newborn shows a preference for a smiling face over a non-smiling face.
* Women smile more than men.
* Younger people smile more than older American males with high testosterone, who smile least of all.
* There are 18 different kinds of smile used in a variety of social situations.
* Human beings can differentiate between the felt smile (of joy and happiness) and the social smile, in the eyes (literally).
* A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent than a non-smiling person.
* A person who studies laughter is called a gelotologist.
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